
Monday, July 15, 2019

Henry Ackley’s Estate Settled June 10, 1815 Middletown, Connecticut

Some months earlier a probate document dated Feb. 27, 1815, authorized Henry Ackley’s moveable estate be sold to pay his creditors. The definition of moveable estate is personal property which can be carried from one place to another.

Shortly after Henry died, appraisers gave his personal property the value of $755.21. Nathaniel Ackley, an administrator, found an additional $77.26 bringing the moveable estate dollar amount to $832.47.  

Nathaniel also exhibited an additional $84.00 charged against the estate.

The creditors’ notes and debits had been exhibited. The estate owed $3,361.21 to its creditors. Widow Ruth Ackley and Nathaniel Ackley needed to raise $2,612.74 to cover the notes. They already exhausted Henry’s personal estate and would have to start selling his land.

First, Ruth needed to protect her dower rights.

At a Court of Probate held in Middletown, in and for the District of Middletown, on the
10 day of June A. D. 1815
            On Motion made to this Court by the Admrs on the
Estate of Henry Ackley late
of Chatham Deceased, that the Widow of sd Dec’d
might have her Dower set out to her in the Real Estate of said deceased. Where-
upon this Court appoints and fully impowers Messrs. David Clark, Samuel Brown &
Franklin G. Comstock freeholders in said district, to distribute and set off
to said Widow her right of Dower in the Real Estate of said de-
ceased, and then make return to this Court for acceptance.
                                                A true copy of record
                                                   Certified by                          Clerk

Lastly, the Probate Court authorized the sale of Henry Ackley’s real estate.

At a Court of Probate held in Middletown, in and for the District of Middle-
            town, on the 10 day of June A. D. 1815
  The Adm’rs on the estate
of Henry Ackley late of Chatham deceased,
 exhibited in court their Account of Administration on the said estate a-
mounting to the sum of $3445.21
which was accepted and ordered to be kept on file, which Account surmounts
the moveable part of said estate in the sum of $2612.74 and now
move this Court for an order to Sell Real estate
 to discharge the same.
  Whereupon, this court authorizes & fully impowers the said Adm’rs
to sell so much of the real estate
of the said deceased at private sale, for not less than the Inventory price,
 or at public vendue, after advertising the same in a public Newspaper
 printed in Middletown three weeks before said sale to be sold
 at the late Dwelling house of the Dec’d at the
beat of Drum, as will procure the aforesaid sum of $2612.74
 and to pass Deed or Deeds
            accordingly, and then make
return to this court for acceptance.
                                                A true Copy of Record
                                                    Certified by                         Clerk

Source Citation
Probate Files Collection, Early to 1880; Author: Connecticut State Library (Hartford, Connecticut); Probate Place: Hartford, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Notes Exhibited against the Estate of Henry Ackley, Deceased

February 27, 1815

Henry Ackley’s creditors provided the administrators Widow Ruth Ackley and Nathaniel Ackley with notes detailing money owed them.

I recognized family members immediately. James Ackley’s $3.24 claim against the estate might have come from Henry’s father or brother (both men named James Ackley). Nathaniel Ackley was owed $112.57 from his brother’s estate.

Deborah Atwood was born Deborah Purple, a sister to Henry’s widow, Ruth (Purple) Ackley. Anne Purple also was a sister to 4th Great Grandmother Ruth. Deborah’s note was just $2.00 while Anne Purple’s claim amounted to $82.50. Another Purple sister, Statira, submitted a $62.50 note. I don’t know what kind of business arrangement Henry shared with his sister-in-laws but admit I’m intrigued. Deborah Purple’s husband, Captain Atwood, also brought a $30.00 claim against the estate.

I spotted Rodney Ackley and Samuel Ackley among those owed compensation but don’t recognize their relationship to Great Grandfather.

All of the creditor’s bills combined amounted to $2,907.04. The family incurred some expenses and court fees causing the $2,907.04 to become $3,361.21. Ruth and Nathaniel exhibited the account in Middletown, Connecticut Probate Court.

The administrators subsequently sought the Court’s permission to sell Henry Ackley’s moveable estate to satisfy the creditors. The Court agreed as stated in the following record:

At a Court of Probate held in Middletown, in and for the District of Middle-
            town, on the 27 day Feby A. D. 1815
The adm’rs on the Estate of Henry Ackley late
            of Chatham, deceased
exhibited in Court their Account of Administration on s’d Estate, a-
mounting to the sum of $3361.21
which was accepted and ordered to be kept on file, which Account surmounts
the moveable part of said Estate the sum of               and now
they move this Court for an order to sell moveable Estate
of s’d Dec’d
Whereupon, this Court authorizes and fully impowers the said adm’rs
to sell so much of the moveable Real estate of
the said deceased at private sale for not less than the Inventory Price
or at Public Vendue, after advertising the same in the a Middlesex Gazette
printed in Middletown Three Weeks before said sale--to be sold
at the late Dwelling House of s’d Dec’d at the
beat of Drum, as will procure the aforesaid sum
together with the incident charges of sale, and to pass Deed or Deeds
     accordingly, and then make Return to this Court
for acceptance

                        A true Copy of Record
                             Certified by                                       Clerk.

Source Citation
Probate Files Collection, Early to 1880; Author: Connecticut State Library (Hartford, Connecticut); Probate Place: Hartford, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Inventory of the Real and Personal Property of Henry Ackley, Chatham, Connecticut

June 27, 1814

Henry’s inventory was exhibited by his Widow Ruth Ackley and brother Nathaniel Ackley in Middletown, Connecticut Probate Court June 27, 1814. The estate’s total value was deemed to be worth $4,773.21. The three-page inventory listed and assessed his belongings.

As I read through the inventory, I could picture the appraisers David Clark, Samuel Brown and Franklin G. Comstock as they began their task. They started with 4th Great Grandfather’s wardrobe examining his clothing, bedding and linens. They then entered the kitchen area pricing a kitchen table, ten chairs, various cooking utensils and assorted food preparation items. Perhaps the barn housed a secondhand cart, barrels, numerous tools and farming instruments. The livestock included cows, oxen, sheep, lambs and swine.

Henry Ackley held two notes against Enos Johnson for $100 each. Henry’s earlier dealings with Enos Johnson dated back to December 1811, when he sold him two pieces of land for $650.

Great Grandfather's lands appraised at $4,018.00 accounted for the bulk of his estate. He acquired land in the town of Chatham on nine occasions per the town of East Hampton deeds and later sold four of those parcels keeping 167 acres mentioned in the inventory:

   $ 325.00    Sillamen Lot - 13 acres @ $25.00 p/acre                
        65.00    East Champion Lot - 5 acres @ $13.00 p/acre          
      120.00    Kellogg Lot – 8 acres @ $15.00 p/acre                    
   1,408.00    Whitmore, Smith and Colley lots – 88 acres @ $16.00 p/acre                
   2,100.00    Home Lot with building together with 2/3 of the
           Champion barn said called 53 acres                           

As customary, the Court allowed six months for Henry Ackley’s creditors to submit their claims to the administrators.

I haven’t yet transcribed the inventory but included images and hope you find time to read it.  

Source Citation
Probate Files Collection, Early to 1880; Author: Connecticut State Library (Hartford, Connecticut); Probate Place: Hartford, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Henry’s Administrators and Appraisers Appointed in Chatham, CT

Henry Ackley, age 34 years, died unexpectedly April 24, 1814, in the town of Chatham, Middlesex County, Connecticut. A sickness traveled throughout his neighborhood claiming his life after a week’s illness. His wife and children mourned his passing as well as his mother, father and siblings.

4th Great Grandfather Henry had not yet prepared a written will leaving his widow Ruth (Purple) Ackley and brother Nathaniel Ackley to settle his estate.

May 30, 1814

About a month after Henry’s death, Ruth and Nathaniel petitioned the District Probate Court of Middletown, Connecticut to be appointed his administrators.

The bond was dated May 30, 1814 in the penal sum of $5,000. I’ve been told the $5,000 bond value correlated with the estimated value of the estate. The Widow Ackley and Nathaniel were responsible for seeing an inventory be taken and exhibited in Court by the last Monday in July 1814. They also needed to make an account of Henry Ackley’s estate the following year by the last Monday in May 1815.

Ruth Ackley, Nathaniel Ackley, and Sparrow Smith all signed the bond. However, Ruth didn’t appear at the court proceedings. Her signature was witnessed by Eli William and Ogden S. Ackley. (Ogden S. Ackley was Nathaniel’s son and Ruth’s nephew by marriage.)

The Middletown Probate Court also appointed David Clark, Samuel Brown and Franklin G. Comstock to appraise Henry's estate.

The administrators have been appointed and now the appraisers will list and value Henry’s estate.  Google searches for David Clark, Samuel Brown and Franklin G. Comstock reveal all were members of the Chatham community.

Probate Files Collection, Early to 1880; Author: Connecticut State Library (Hartford, Connecticut); Probate Place: Hartford, Connecticut

Source Information Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts.