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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Kimber Letter. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016


The Kimber Letters are writings exchanged between the Kimber sisters and their mother, Keziah (Bennett) Kimber. The letters found their way to the sister’s descendants. They’ve been saved and shared among us for over 150 years. I treasure them and am grateful to the late Edna Raymond for giving me transcriptions.

It is with much pleasure that I set down this afternoon to wright you a letter” begins Jane Eliza Kimber’s letter to her mother, father and sister Abigail back home in Orange County, New York. Keziah and Benjamin Kimber must have found comfort in her words. During the last nine months Jane Eliza and her husband, Moses Seely, endured difficult times. In November of 1854 their home burned to the ground, and they lost nearly all their belongings (see Letter 6). Hardship turned to heartbreak the following month when Jane and Moses’ baby boy Willie Emit passed (Letter 9).

Moses and Jane Eliza left Orange County and moved to Troy, Bradford Co., Pennsylvania around spring 1855. I’m certain Jane Eliza’s sister, Sarah Bethia, and husband William Mackney were happy to have the Seely family join them in Troy.

As I read Jane’s letter, I heard enthusiasm in her words describing her peas and beans, Isabel’s schooling, the wheat fields and even the price of potatoes, butter and milk. She’s hoping her brother-in-law, Erastus Elston, will visit and bring one of the Kimber’s with him. Sister Phebe Decker owes her a letter.

Jane Eliza has news she didn’t tell but I’ll share. She was expecting a baby. Six months after this letter was written, a baby girl, Sarah Alice Seely, joined the family in January 1856.

Transcription Letter 11

July 25th.  1855

Dear Parents and Sister

It is with much pleasure that I set down this
afternoon to wright you a letter    you think    no
doubt   that   I have forgotten you but I have not
and now I would say to you that we are all well
and doing as well as we can    we received your
letter the 17 and was glad to hear from you    it
done  like seeing you and talking to you Mother
you wanted us to write if we wanted you to dry
us some currents    we should like to have some
if they are not all gone when this reaches you
as we have not any here    we havent any fruits
here but one plumb tree    our garden looks very
good what there is of it    it is very small so
we do not have much of a variety    we have had
no potatoes but soon will    we have had peas and
beans    Mr. Dobbins sowed a lot of peas a little
way from the house and they told us to go and
get what we wanted and I tell you that we have
almost fatten on them    Mother Isabel goes to
school now    she likes to go and learns very
fast    she reads in her AB  abs she says that
she is going to write grandma a letter some day
   she has good health and grown very fast    we
have had a sight of rain here and are still
haveing    they have commenced to get there
harvest around here but O Mother if you could se
the wheat fields around here it would do your
eyes good to look at them    there is a lot of
forty acers in it all wheat   I think it will make
some man sweat to get that   it looks as if
might be lowed than it is flour is selling at
eleven dollars a barrel here and young potatoes
at one dollar a bushel    we have to pay eighteen
pence a pound for butter    three cents a quart
for milk    that dont seem like going to our    own
milk pan and butter tray    I tell you I think if
we can get a farm we shall go on one another
year    we shall build our house and rent it out
   we can make as much at that as any thing for
rents is so high here in Troy    O if I could
come home once in a while it would do me so much
good    Mother you said in the leter that you
sent to me that Erastus talks of coming out here
after haying
tell him to come and if he does come some one of
you must come with him for I do want to see you
so bad    now tell him if he comes to write what
time he will come    I dont know whether I shall
come out this fal or not    I will if I can
Mother you must tell me if Mr. P. comes to our
house yet   if he does it is time they put a
match to it and struck it of and come and see us
  I dont know as I have got much more to wright
at this time    I would like to know what has
becom of Phebe    I writ them a letter two or
three months ago but I have not heard from them
since    I am a going to write her a nother and
se if she will answer it    O Mother if I could
se you I could talk a week night and day    but I
must close for this time    give my respect to
all that ask after me and my love to Father
Mother and Sister and ever remain your
affectionate Daughter and Sister until Death
so no more
Wright soon

Good by

Jane Eliza Seely

Still life with peas and plums
Painted by Mateusz Tokarski circa 1795
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

To read earlier Kimber Letters click on the label 'Kimber Letters' at the bottom of this post.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Father and Mother, Now is your Time to Come, Kimber Letter 20, August 31, 1856

Kimber letter 20 reflected urgency about the well-being of Keziah (Bennett) and Benjamin Kimber. Keziah must have written her daughter Sarah and husband William Mackney letting them know the matriarch and patriarch were not happy in their new home.

Keziah’s letter galvanized the family in Troy, Pennsylvania. As soon as William and Sarah Mackney read it, they sent word to Moses Seely and wife Jane Eliza Kimber. Moses and Jane came to the Mackney home that evening to discuss what could be done to help.

It was unusual for the sons-in-law to write, but each of them penned a letter to Benjamin and Keziah inviting them to come live with them and pledging to help. The Kimber daughters, Sarah and Jane Eliza, sent words of encouragement too.

Sometime in 1856 4th Great Grandparents Keziah and Benjamin left Orange County, New York behind them. I didn’t know where they were living. I got a clue when William mentioned Mark in his letter; the only Mark I’m aware of who has a family connection is Mark Congleton, husband of Mary B. Kimber. Mark and Mary lived in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania and I suspect the Grandparents had been living with them or nearby.

You can read the letter for yourself or listen to my narration by clicking below on the YouTube video.

Letter 20, page 1

Letter 20, page 2

Letter 20, page 3

Transcripts provided by the late Edna Raymond, Town of Minisink Historian.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Trouble Has Been So Great, Kimber Letter 9

The Kimber Letters are writings exchanged between the Kimber sisters and their mother, Keziah (Bennett) Kimber. The letters found their way to the sister’s descendants. They’ve been saved and shared among us for over 150 years. I treasure them and am grateful to the late Edna Raymond for giving me transcriptions.

In today’s letter Jane Eliza Kimber and husband Moses Seeley wrote to Sarah Bethia (Kimber) and William Mackney. The Seeley’s lived in Minisink, Orange Co., New York and addressed their letter to Sarah and William in Troy, Pennsylvania.

Seven weeks earlier Jane and Moses Seeley’s baby boy died. Jane apologized for not writing sooner but admits she wasn’t able to compose herself. Jane shares her heart wrenching pain over the loss of her little boy, Willie Emit.

        “O sister it was like tearing my heart from me to part with him …”

Jane’s grief will touch your heart.

Robert Reid's painting "Her First Born"

“Her First Born”
Painter Robert Reid, ca 1888
Courtesy Wikipedia Commons

In earlier Kimber letters the health of Kimber sister Julia Ann Elston was a concern to family members. Jane worried Julia Ann would “never be any better”.  Another sister, Abigail, remained with Julie Ann to care for her.

3rd Great Grand Aunt Jane included a short letter to her niece Mary Holly. As far as I know Mary wasn’t related to the Kimber’s. Perhaps she was Moses Seeley’s niece. Anyway, she was a close family friend and live-in help for Sarah and William Mackney.

Moses’ letter to William sounds like he's planning to leave Orange County. He tells his brother-in-law about his auction sale and says he will see him in March.


January the 21, 1855

Dear Brother and Sister

I set down this morning to write a few lines to
you to let you know we are all well and I hope
this will find you alI well and better than you
was when I last heard from you   you must
forgive me for not wrighting to you before this
for my trouble has been so great that I could
not compose my mind to write but by having faith
in God   I have given it up in a measure    you
have no doubt heard that little Willy Emit is no
more for Phebe has written to you the
particulars and Mother to    so it will be no use
for me to wright but, o Sister it was like
tearing my heart from me to part with him    if I
had not looked up to God for his help   I could
not went through it but I have the hope of one
day meeting him where parting will never be
again    that is all the comfort that I have in
thinking of Heaven but O sister I miss him
wherever I go and whatever I do    when I lie
down and when I arise enney place reminds me of
him    his little prattling voice is no more
heard nor his little hands patting around the
floor    I look around and say where is he    he
is gone home    gone home from this world of
trouble and affliction to rest in his fathers
bosem forever and ever    but O sister you have
passed through the same affliction and can feel
for me but I hope and trust that it is all for
the best that God has taken him from us but I
must drop this subject    I want you to wright
back as soon as you get this and wright if you
get Phebes  letter and if you have not  I will
wright you the particulars about the death    I
will now tell you about the rest   Julia Ann was
still getting worse the last   I knew from her
the dropsy was getting worse in her stomick and
I fear she will never be any better    Abigail is
with her yet    John folkes are well   I have
been to fathers and spent a week with them
they are well but I must close my letter    but
do wright to me as soon as you get this    if all
is well we shall be there with you soon    so no
more at present    but my love with you now and
forever    so good by
Jane Eliza Seely

Dear Mary

I received your letter and the note and have
sent it to them but I have not got it yet    I
thought that  I would get it and send it to
you and then there would be no danger of your
getting it    Mary Brink Courtright is married to
Emly Marsh and Mary Manners to John Haden
Josiah Seely wife has got a young son    I dont
know of anything more to wright to you at this
time so no more but remain your aunt til
Jane Eliza Seely to Mary Holy

Dear Brother
I will write a few lines to you    I had my
vendue december 27    my cows on an average 25
dollars per head    I sold 120 dollars worth of
hay and have got more than half of it yet    I
did not sel enny of my horses    horses is very
low out here    125 dollars for Ginney but I wont
take it for she is so fat she cant hardly see
grain is verry high out here    rye 1 shilling
corn 2 shil    buchwheat 10 shillings    Oats 5
shil   potatoes 100 dollars    money is verry
scarse here    I traded old bob away in Goshen
January 11   I got a gray horse for him even
they say he is worth 80 dollars    I told him she
would kick and strike so we traded so he took
her as she stood and I took gray as he stood but
he has got a case    he lict her til he was tired
out   he give three men 3 dollars to lick her
till she give up but my  gray is all right and
sound   but William i will come out some time the
first of March but writ as soon as you get this
so no more at present but remain yours
Moses Seely

SOURCE: Edna Raymond, a past Town of Minisink historian, gave me typed transcripts of the letters exchanged between the Kimber sisters and their parents. This letter is #9 of 31.

To read earlier Kimber Letters click on the label 'Kimber Letters' at the bottom of this post