
Showing posts with label Doty Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doty Family. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Isaac Doty, Wife and Kids Leave Minisink for Horseheads, NY

My first post OK DOTY’S—TIME TO TAKE IT BACK ANOTHER GENERATION introduced my readers to Isaac Doty. ISAAC DOTY’S STORY, MINISINK, NY continued the saga. Last week ISAAC DOTY’S STORY CONTINUES told more of 4th Great Grandfather’s life. Today’s post completes Isaac’s story.

Isaac Doty needed cash again in 1809. The Doty’s mortgaged 50 acres of farm land in Minisink to Mary Kimber for $159.52. You’ll find a transcription of the agreement in my next paragraph.

Transcription Orange County, New York Mortgages, Liber G, pages 209-210

    A Mortgage from Isaac Doty of Minisink in Orange County & state of New York & Elizabeth his wife To Mary Kimber of the same place Dated the sixth day of February one thousand eight hundred and nine for All that certain tract piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the town of Minisink aforesaid & is part of Lot number Nine in the first Division of drownded lands in Wawayanda patent and is part of the farm on which the said Isaac Doty now lives to be taken off the North west end of the farm the whole width of the farm so far as to include fifty acres of Land__To be Void on the payment of One hundred & fifty nine Dollars & fifty two cents on or before the sixth day of February next with Lawful interest according to the Condition of a bond of Equal date herewith__ and the said Isaac Doty for himself his heirs executors and administrators, grant and agree to and with the said Mary Kimber her heirs and assigns, that if in Case it should so happen, that the said Sum of money above mentioned with the interest thereon to become due, or any part there of should become due and unpaid, that then, and in such case it shall and may be Lawful for the said Mary Kimber her heirs or assigns, to grant, bargain, sell and dispose of the said premises above mentioned, or any part thereof, at public vendue or otherwise, as to her shall sum meet, to my person or persons, and for such sum or sums of money as may be reasonably had for the same, and out of the monies arising or to arise by the sale or sales thereof, to retain and keep in her hand the said sum of money above mentioned and the interest that may be due thereon, together with the Costs and charges for such sale or sales, rendering the Overplus (if any be) to the said Isaac Doty his heirs, Executors or administrators, which sale or sales so to be made by virtue of these presents shall be and are hereby declared to be a full absolute and entire [bar] both in Law and equity against the said Isaac Doty & Elizabeth his wife their heirs Executors administrators and assigns and all Claiming under him them or any of them, and all benefit and equity of Redemption of the premises or any part thereof    In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Polly Hopkins
Reuben Hopkins

                                                                               Isaac Doty
                                                                               Elizabeth Doty  (her mark X)

Acknowledged by the said Isaac Doty & Elizabeth his wife personally before John Steward one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for Orange County the sixth day of February 1809

A true record entered the sixth day of February 1809
By Hopkins, Clerk

Grandfather was to pay Mary Kimber $159.52 and interest by Feb. 6, 1810. I’m certain the Grandparents felt appreciative to Mary Kimber for the financial help she gave. I’d like to know Mary Kimber’s relationship to Isaac and Elizabeth. Was she a neighbor, friend, or relative? I’m curious as I have Kimber ancestry too.

When February 6, 1810 arrived, Isaac couldn’t pay his debt. The United States was in the midst of an economic depression because of President Thomas Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807. Congress hoped the embargo would keep our country neutral from the wars being fought between Britain and France. The result was decreased trade with many industries negatively affected.

Mary Kimber’s attorney, Stephen Jackson, started proceedings to sell the Doty’s 50 acres on August 26, 1810. The land would be sold at a public auction at the Court House in Goshen, New York.  A notice, ‘Sale by Mortgage’ was published in the Goshen newspaper Orange County Patriot. The advertisement was printed weekly in the January and February 1811 issues and it also appeared in the March 5, 12, and 26, 1811 editions.

Sale by Mortgage Orange County Patriot March 12, 1811
Legal Notice from the Orange County Patriot
Published in Goshen, New York
March 12, 1811

Mary Kimber might have given Grandfather more time to pay the debt as the public auction was postponed until May 1, 1811. Who bought Grandfather’s land? A search of the Grantor indexes and deeds for Mary Kimber, Attorney Stephen Jackson, and Sheriff of Orange County provided no clues.

Isaac and his family lived in Minisink in 1810. According to the 1810 federal census the children at home included his sons—Isaac, Jr., Joseph, Benjamin, Abner, John and Jacob. Huldah was the baby of the family. Four year old Betsey died in 1809. Ruth, 17 years of age, still lived at home. The eldest, Hannah, wasn’t with the family. She had probably married Uriah Ferguson by this date.

Sometime between 1810 and 1811 Isaac left Orange County taking Elizabeth and the children to upstate New York.  Joseph, Isaac and Elizabeth’s son, told Ethan Allen Doty (the author of The Doty-Doten Family in America) that his father died about 1811 in Horseheads, New York. He was an 11-year-old boy when his father passed.

Did newly widowed Grandmother Elizabeth and the children return to Orange County after Grandfather died? I can’t say. Please contact me if you know what happened.

Back in Sussex County, New Jersey, Grandfather’s creditors claimed the proceeds from the sale of 9 acres in Wantage that had belonged to Isaac’s father, Benjamin Doty. The authorities in Sussex County didn’t know Grandfather had died and called him an “absconding debtor” in a legal notice published in the Orange County Patriot April 6, 1813. Poor Grandmother was left a widow with young children and debts.

Sale by Attachment Orange County Patriot April 6, 1813

Legal Notice from the Orange County Patriot
Published in Goshen, New York
April 6, 1813

Friday, October 23, 2015

Isaac Doty’s Story Continues

When last I wrote about 4th Great Grandfather Isaac Doty, he was a husband, father, farmer and property owner in Minisink, Orange County, New York.

In 1801 Grandfather was a member of the Free & Accepted Masons Farmer’s Lodge No. 14 of Wantage, New Jersey.[1] Wantage, Sussex County, New Jersey was home to Isaac Doty’s parents, Benjamin and Mary Doty. I’m certain Isaac lived in Minisink, New York but kept this Sussex County association. Wantage is near the NY/NJ state line bordering the Town of Minisink.

Landscape with Farm, Theodore Fourmois
"Landscape with farm" - oil painting on canvas by Théodore Fourmois
Courtesy Wikimedia Commons

In Orange County Isaac and Elizabeth welcomed Isaac Jr. to the family circa 1802.[2]

Isaac’s father, 5th Great Grandfather Benjamin Doty, died close to November 1802 in Sussex County, New Jersey. Benjamin didn’t prepare a will. Isaac and his mother, Mary Doty, petitioned Surrogate Court to be appointed administrators for his estate. The Sussex County Court granted letters of administration to them Nov. 18, 1802.[3]

In 1803 Great Grandfather was among the charter members of a Free Masons Masonic Lodge in Orange County, New York. The Olive Branch Lodge No. 102 was established in Minisink Dec. 20, 1803 in Brother Israel Lee’s home.  Isaac was a Tyler, an officer of the Lodge.[4] The Tyler guarded the door from ‘unqualified, malicious or simply curious people’. According to Wikipedia, a Tyler is the name of the office of outer guard of a Masonic Lodge. The Olive Branch Lodge later held their meetings in Westtown at the academy building on the upper floor.

I mentioned earlier Isaac and his mother acted as administrators for his father’s estate in Wantage, New Jersey. They needed to file an application to sell Benjamin’s land (August 21, 1804) because Grandfather Benjamin’s personal estate didn’t fully pay his debts and expenses.[5] At a special meeting in Sussex Orphan’s Court Oct. 25, 1804, a decree was granted permitting Isaac and his mother to sell Benjamin’s land in Wantage.[6] The lot contained about seventy or eighty acres and adjoined the lands of James Decker and Jeremy Rogers. Perhaps Sussex County land deeds will offer more details about the property and sale.

Back in Orange County, two daughters joined the family. Betsey was born about 1805 and Huldah made her appearance in 1807.

I have more to share but will save it for another day.

[1] The New Jersey Genesis, Volume 13, Number 3, April 1966 Issue, Contributed by Howard E. Case
[2] The Doty-Doten Family in America compiled by Ethan Allen Doty, page 359
[3] New Jersey Abstracts of Wills, Volume 39, page 136
[4] Craft Masonry in Orange and Rockland Counties, New York Compiled by R.’.W.’. Gary L. Heinmiller, Director, Onondaga & Oswego Masonic Districts Historical Societies (OMDHS) September 2010, online
[5] Sussex County, New Jersey Minute Book Vol. A-1, page 32
[6] Sussex County, New Jersey Minute Book Vol. A-1, page 45

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Isaac Doty’s Story, Minisink, NY

I introduced 4th Great Grandparents Isaac Doty and Elizabeth Paddock in my last post. Today I’d like to continue telling Isaac’s story.

After the American Revolution ended, Isaac married Elizabeth in Orange County, New York circa 1783. Great Grandmother was known as ‘Betsey Paddock’ in Ethan Allen Doty’s book, “The Doty-Doten Family in America”.

Isaac and Elizabeth welcomed their first child, Hannah, about 1785. Jacob came along in 1788 followed by my 3rd Great Grandfather John in 1790.

I couldn’t locate Isaac and Elizabeth Doty in the 1790 federal census. I searched the Minisink, Orange County, New York enumeration without success.

Perhaps Great Grandfather Isaac wasn’t a ‘head of household’. This might explain why he doesn’t show up in 1790. Maybe the family was in Sussex County, New Jersey where Isaac’s father was living. Unfortunately, the 1790 New Jersey schedules disappeared long ago.

Isaac and Betsey’s family grew; Ruth arrived about 1793, Abner 1796 and Benjamin 1798.

December 14, 1797 Isaac needed money and mortgaged 197 ¾ acres of land to William Wickham from the Town of Goshen (except 3 acres and 23 rods previously sold to John Davis). Grandfather borrowed 600 British Pounds plus interest. Did he owe a debt or want to buy more land? I wish I knew why he needed the money. Does anybody know how much 600 Pounds was in American dollars?

A 200 Pound payment was due May 1, 1778, another due May 1, 1779 and the final 200 Pound payment May 1, 1800. You can see the county clerk’s copy below followed by my transcription of the agreement. Normally when a mortgage had been paid, the clerk wrote in the left margin of the agreement stating the mortgage was fully paid and satisfied. As you can see, the margin is empty indicating Grandfather wasn’t able to pay off the mortgage. It looks like he lost the land to William Wickham.

Isaac Doty 1797 mortgage to William Wickham, Orange Co., NY

Mortgage Book D, page 62 
   A Mortgage from Isaac Doty of the Town of Minisink in the County of Orange & State of New York To William Wickham of the Town of Goshen in the said County Esquire Dated the fourteenth Day of December one thousand Seven hundred & ninety seven for all Land lots situate in the patent of Wawayanda in the Town of Minisink & is bounded as follows Beginning at the most Westerly Corner of the same at a heap of stones then runing North fifty two Degrees & forty five minutes East thirty seven Chains & seventy seven links to a Birch tree in a swamp then south forty six degrees & thirty minutes East fifty Chains to a heap of stones then south forty three degrees & thirty minutes west thirty seven Chains & twenty links to a heap of stones then north forty six degrees and thirty minutes west fifty six chains & thirty links to the place of Beginning Containing one hundred and ninety seven acres & three quarters Excepting out of the same three acres & twenty three rods which was formerly sold to John Davis__To be Void on the payment of Two hundred pounds on the first Day of May next the further sum of two hundred pounds like money on or before the first Day of May following & the further sum of two hundred pounds on the first Day of May which will be in the year one thousand Eight hundred with Interest on the whole to be paid annually__according to the Condition of a bond bearing even Date herewith__proved by the Oath of George D. Wickham one of the Subscribing witnesses before John Steward one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for Orange County the first Day of January one thousand seven hundred & ninety Eight
      A true Record Entered the fourth Day of January
      one thousand Seven hundred and ninety Eight
      Hopkins, Clerk

The 1799 Town of Minisink assessments included Isaac Doty. His real estate was estimated at $600 and his personal estate $507. I don’t know if Grandfather still owned his land but he had something in order for the town to collect a tax. Although he owned property in Orange County, no recorded deeds exist.

A seventh child, Joseph, was born Jan. 19, 1800 in Minisink.

Minisink tax assessments dated 1800 show Isaac’s real estate remained at $600 while his personal estate was less than the previous year--$446. Grandfather’s financial standing improved in 1801. His real estate assessment increased to $930 with his personal property also valued at $930.

There’s more to Isaac’s story. Watch for my next post.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


I’ve written about my Doty ancestry often. Earlier this month I remembered the anniversary of my Grandfather Frank Leroy Doty’s marriage to Grandma Viola Lillian Wilson. Workday Wednesday, Lewis Penny Doty, Iceman featured Great Grandfather Lewis P. Doty. Albert Doty and the Girl Next Door highlighted 2nd Great Grandfather’s life with Grandmother Fannie Jane Bennett. I introduced 3rd Great Grandfather in Census Sunday, John Doty, Farmer,Wawayanda, Orange Co., NY.

This brings the Doty pedigree to 4th Great Grandfather Isaac Doty from Minisink, New York. Isaac married Elizabeth “Betsey” Paddock about 1783 and they became the parents of ten children. Their third child, John Doty, born circa 1790 was my 3rd great grandfather.

I learned about Isaac from Ethan Allen Doty’s book “The Doty-Doten Family in America, Descendants of Edward Doty, An Emigrant by the Mayflower, 1620”. Following is an excerpt from his work, page 359.

Doty-Doten Family in America, Isaac Doty excerpt, page 359

Ethan Allen Doty cited no documentation proving my 3rd Great Grandfather John Doty was Isaac’s son. How did he know this? I explored the volume looking for an answer.

The author credited his interest in family history to an earlier Doty researcher, Rev. Silas Ketchum of Bristol, New Hampshire. In 1871 Rev. Ketchum sought Mr. Doty’s help to collect family records. The two worked together until Rev. Ketchum’s health failed him. Rev. Ketchum encouraged Ethan A. Doty to continue his work and The Doty-Doten Family in America was published in 1897.

I searched the book for more material about Isaac and Betsey’s children and found information for John and Joseph Doty. John’s entry was brief identifying his wife and children. No documentation to prove Isaac was his father.

Joseph’s write-up was a genealogical sparkler. Ethan A. Doty visited Joseph and his 2nd wife, Mrs. Phebe Clinton Leonard, in 1878. The author writes about his time with them:

    “They were both living in 1878, when the writer called upon them, at Doty Hill, Ridgebury, [Bradford Co., PA] though the post office address was Wellsborough, Chemung Co., N. Y., to which place they removed, 1835, from Orange County. He was a prosperous farmer, and though seventy-eight years of age was in good health and in possession of all his faculties. Mrs. Doty furnished many particulars, giving addresses and history of many of the now widely separated family.” 
         Source: Doty-Doten Family in America, page 433

This interview cements the connection between Isaac and his children. I’m certain Joseph and Phebe provided the details for his parents and siblings. I’m so glad Ethan Allen Doty called on Uncle Joseph and Aunt Phebe.

Stay tuned for future posts about Isaac Doty and Betsey Paddock.