
Monday, March 16, 2015

MATRILINEAL MONDAY The Brown’s Welcomed a July Baby 1854 Augusta Co., VA

James Alexander Brown and Mary A. Zimmerman (aka Carpenter) welcomed a summer baby July 27, 1854. Mary Agnes Brown was born in Augusta County, Virginia at Lyndhurst (south of Waynesboro).

2nd Great Grandmother Mary Agnes was nicknamed ‘Mollie’.  She was raised in the South River District in a home that had originally belonged to her Zimmerman Grandfather. During the Civil War Mollie’s father died Sept. 27, 1864 when she was just 10 years old. I don’t believe her father served with the Union or Confederate Army. After the father died, Mollie’s mother and two younger brothers remained on the Zimmerman place.

Mollie married John William White near Waynesboro, Virginia Nov. 14, 1872. By June 25, 1880, Mollie and John William were living in the Middle River District along with three children—Clara Louise, James William and Arthur Stuart White. My Great Grandmother, Ella Virginia, was their fourth child born Oct. 10, 1881 followed by Olive Leora, Bernard Brown and Ernest Boyd White.

The White family was back in the South River District by 1900. Clara Louise had married Adolphus Marion Brown by this date. James William married Sally Wilkes Dec. 21, 1898 in Bedford County.  Although Arthur Stuart hadn’t yet married he wasn’t living with his parents. Only the younger children remained at home.

Ella Virginia married James Clyde Clemmer June 7, 1905. Jan. 2, 1908 Arthur Stuart married Nettie Florence Sheltman in Buena Vista City, Virginia. Bernard Brown married a lady named Grace Alexander in 1911. Olive Leora was the next child to wed marrying Walter W. Sandy January 8, 1914. Ernest Boyd didn’t marry until after his parents’ death. His first wife was Mable Mahler. When Mable passed, he married her sister, Margaret.

In their later years John William and Mollie White made their home in Staunton. Mollie died Nov. 24, 1932. The Staunton News-Leader published her obituary Saturday morning, November 26, 1932.

Mary Agnes (Brown) White Obituary, Staunton News-Leader, Nov. 26, 1932

Transcript of obituary:

   Mrs. Mary Agnes White died early Thursday morning at her home on Straith street, after an illness of one day.
   She was born July 27, 1854, near Lyndhurst, a daughter of James and Mary Carpenter Brown, and spent practically all of her life in Augusta county.  Five years ago she moved to Staunton.
   Mrs. White is survived by her husband, J. W. White; four sons, J. W., Jr., Princeton, W. Va.; A. S., Whitehorn, Va.; B. B. and E. D., Staunton; two daughters, Mrs. Clara L. Brown, Princeton, W. Va.; Mrs. Ella V. Clemmer, Middletown, N.Y.; a brother, I. S. Brown, Abilene Tex.; forty-one grandchildren, and twenty-four great grandchildren.
   When a girl she joined Bethlehem Lutheran church, near Stuarts Draft.
   The funeral will be held from the home of Hamrick & Co. at eleven o 'clock this morning, conducted by the Rev. Dr. C.M. Teufel, of Christ Lutheran church.
   Burial will be in Bethlehem cemetery.

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TOMBSTONE TUESDAY: 2nd Great Grandparents John Wm. and Mary Ann White


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TREASURE CHEST THURSDAY: John Will White's Death Certificate


P. S. Dear Family and Friends,
I would love to see a photo of Mollie. Please share photos and stories!
Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

SUNDAY OBITUARY Alvah Bennett died Aug. 21, 1890 Wawayanda, NY

Alvah Bennett’s obituary was published in the Friday, August 22, 1890 edition of the Middletown Times Press, Middletown, New York.

Alvah’s eldest daughter, Fanny Jane, married Albert Doty, the son of John and Dolly Doty. 3rd Great Grandfather Alvah Bennett and 3rd Great Grandfather John Doty were neighbors paving the way for the Bennett girl to marry the Doty boy next door.

Alvah Bennett Obituary Middletown Times Press, Middletown, NY

   Alvah Bennett, father of ex-Supervisor John F. Bennett, and son of the late Abram Bennett, died on the old homestead in Wawayanda, Thursday, of paralysis. He was over 78 years of age. His wife died three or four years ago.
   Mr. Bennett was one of the best known farmers in that part of the county, and his uprightness of character and probity had gained for him a host of friends during his long life. He was born in the town of Wawayanda, on the same farm on which he made his home for so many years, and during all that time was looked upon as one of the best types of the solid Orange county farmer.
   A large number of children blessed his days. Of these, two daughters, Mrs. Doty and Mrs. Doane, are dead. The following named survive: Abram, John F., Theodore, William, David, Almeda, wife of the late George W. Horton, Elizabeth, wife of Horace Doane, Ida, unmarried, Annie, wife of Seth Blizzard, of near Slate Hill, and Hattie, wife of Mr. George W. Carpenter, of this city.
   The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at his late residence.  Interment at Pine Hill.